About us

Made with the right care

We keep passengers and crew happy. Always. No matter where in the world, our customers can rely on our service and knowledge about wheelmark mattresses every day. We embrace every opportunity to get you going and get the job done.

At Comfimat we challenge ourselves every day to be at our best. It is a mindset that keeps us focussed, knowing that the next challenge is ahead of us. That is why you know we will always deliver our best, no matter what.

Our main goal is to strengthen our position as the world’s leading supplier of wheelmark mattresses. We continue to expand our local presence and the number of valuable partnerships around the world. We know exactly what drives our customers/partners to make them smile.

Supporting our customers everywhere

We’re not just about making mattresses, but about providing the best service possible.

We are a family owned company which focuses on mattresses, but especially on the people that use them.

Producing quality mattresses is our core business. It’s our passion and we know all about it.

We believe our product is not merely a solution, but an added value to a good night’s rest.

Improving comfort starts here
